Global Heart Foundation has been a landmark in non invasive cardiology in Pune, Maharashtra for numerous years and now celebrates a glorious reputation all over India. The revolutionary inspiration of non invasive cardiology was introduced in Pune by Late Dr A V Narayan. For decades the traditional treatments of Angiography, Angioplasty and Bypass surgery have been recommended by veteran doctors and it was indeed the most sought after treatment. Late Dr A V Narayan having a background of Naturopathy and a deep rooted desire to introduce a new way of healing for cardio vascular disease, decided to sow the seed of Global Heart Foundation.
GHF was an initiative by Late Dr AV Narayan with an objective to give information and educate patients about alternative remedies and therapies for cardiovascular disease.
3 Dimensional Vasculography and EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation – manufactured by Vasomedical Inc. USA, & US FDA approved) are the spear heads of the organisation which have certainly satisfied and consoled thousands of patients suffering with the trauma of a HEART ATTACK, ANGIOPLASTY and BYPASS SURGERY.
Why Global Heart Foundation?
Prevention is better than cure. Avoid heart attack.
World class US FDA approved treatment available.
Founder of GHF, Late Dr A V Narayan has been awarded by late Dr Abdul Kalam for his outstanding contribution to society.
Safe, successful and no hospitalisation required.
All treatments and diagnosis for cardiovascular problems are treated in a non-surgical way.
While most big institutions don’t understand the fear and reluctance, of a patient, of going under the knife for a cardiovascular ailment, at Global Heart Foundation we help the patient and family take a very informed decision and empathise with them rather than rushing them into surgery.
With an expert team of doctors and assuring support team, your experience at GHF will not be short of anything but delightful. Apart from all of the above, GHF treatments are APPROVED, ACCEPTED & AFFORDABLE as a Global Heart Foundation expertise. We are one of the few institutions in India who offer FREE CONSULTATION for patients as social service to humanity.
“To be known as and looked upon as a major contributor in the effort of making India and the World, free from cardiovascular ailments, by investing in world class non-invasive cardiovascular research and cardiac patient health care and responsibility.”
“To be specialised in non-invasive cardiology and to encourage a better lifestyle and prevention measures for avoiding a heart attack and to educate the citizens of India about the benefits of choosing non-invasive procedures over invasive methods.”