3D – Vasculography

3D - Vasculography

Global Heart Foundation has introduced a non invasive diagnosis system known as Haemosis 3Dimensional Vasculography in Pune. It is an innovative non-invasive technique for early identification and management of life threatening cardiovascular diseases. It provides a detailed analysis of cardiovascular haemodynamics, electrodynamics and pulmony pathology, by providing more than 60 vital cardiovascular parameters including systematic and cardiac blood flows and many more to identify and characterize global haemodynamic patterns which are consistent with Coronary Artery Disease and other circulatory disorders. Haemosis provides unique details of minute deviation on flow patterns, invaluable for accurate monitoring of cardiac functions. Haemosis 3d vasculography scan is a non surgical, risk free, accurate and cost effective assessment of cardiovascular functions that aids in clinical evaluation, general, health screening, monitoring of therapy and medical research and is done in just 20 minutes! It empowers the doctors with more and unique information of the cardiovascular system, never before possible non-invasively.

The duration of the test is between 20 to 45 minutes. The patient lies flat on a bed and a system of signal generating and signal receiving electrodes that are attached to cables are strategically placed on the patient’s body, together with a highly sensitive Vertical Acceleration Device (VAD). Within 15 to 20 minutes a 10 pages detailed report is generated. The report is then explained to the patient and the line of treatment is suggested.

Why 3D Vasculography ?

ARE YOU : above 30years, a smoker, having high blood pressure, overweight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, high stress, have a family history of heart disease and have undergone angioplasty or by pass surgery: IF your answer is “YES” to any of the above, check the status of your heart by our non invasive heart scan.

  • It is completely safe, hygienic, affordable and convenient.
  • Painless and no side effects.
  • 100% non surgical or non invasive.
  • There is no need for hospitalization.
  • The reports are easy to understand and are explained with bar graphs and charts.
  • The entire procedure is done without a single needle prick. Due to this the patient feels at ease and is already on his way to recovery!
  • Non-invasive / No hospitalization required
  • No injection / Radiation
  • No pain or risk
  • Flow reduction of even 20% detected
  • Also can be used for follow-up after Angioplasty & By-pass.
  • Procedure takes only 30min.

Tests for measuring cardiovascular Functions and blood flow :

The general emphasis in cardiology today is on the anatomy of coronary artery disease; that is, which coronary arteries are involved, and how much narrowing or obstruction there is. Increasingly it is becoming evident that the amount of narrowing of the coronary arteries is of only minor importance. Such narrowing does not correlate with the patient’s symptoms, the motion of the muscular walls of the heart, the performance of the heart, the blood flow through the coronary arteries, the patient’s prognosis, and the results of coronary artery bypass surgery.

It is important to know how well the heart is functioning and how much is the blood flow reduction rather than knowing the extent of blockages. A number of new diagnostic tests are available for this purpose. Collectively these tests and procedures are called non-invasive test because they do not invade the body or penetrate the skin. One such test is the Vasculography


It is a new advanced non-invasive technique for early detection of Coronary Heart Disease. It measures the blood flow to the various regions of the heart. If there is a significant reduction of blood flow, it is suggestive of the presence of obstructions in blood vessel, which is decreasing the blood flow. It also provides an assessment of the functional status of heart, including the pumping capacity of the heart, stiffness of the blood vessels, and the tendency to form a clot etc. The information obtained from Cardiovascular Cartography is not provided by any of the existing cardiac diagnostic tools and some of them were never possible earlier by non-invasive method.

The technology used is Trans-Aortic Signal Wave Modulation (TASWM). A 150 KHz signal is passed through the generating electrodes, which travel along the aorta (the largest blood vessel in the chest cavity) and is modulated by the ejection of blood, breathing activity as well as electrical and mechanical activity. The signal is then picked up by the measuring electrodes and demodulated. Low bandwidth cardio subsonic is recorded using a special instrument called VAD (Vertical Acceleration Detector). This technology is called Flow Turbulence Accelerometry (FTA). There is a difference in the turbulence characteristics of normal and abnormal vessels. Any obstruction due to blockages disturbs this smooth flow of blood and produces characteristic turbulence. This turbulence is detected by the VAD and provides as to which region of the heart is experiencing reduced blood flow. The technique is similar to how a Seismography picks up vibrations kilometers inside the earth and lets us know whether an earthquake has occurred. The blood pressure is obtained using an automatic continuous Non-invasive Oscillometric Blood pressure measuring technique. The data, which is acquired, is processed using powerful and advanced mathematical modeling and simulation tools and high speed computing and then various parameters obtained.

The patients height, weight and body shape are measured and the information fed into the CCG monitor. The patient is made to lie on the bed and the skin over the chest is gently swabbed with spirit. Disposable electrodes are placed on various specified locations on the chest wall and connected to four pairs of leads for generating and measuring signals. Four leads for the Electrocardiogram are also placed on the chest wall. The blood pressure cuff is fixed to the patients arm and the basal test started. The second part of the test involves the administration of a drug called Isosorbide Dinitrate (Sorbitrate) placed below the tongue. This drug causes an increase in blood flow to the heart. The test is then repeated. In some cases the test needs to be done in a head –up position. The whole procedure takes about 15-20 minutes

The person has to observe fasting for a period of 10-12 hours before the test. It is important to abstain from tea, coffee or soft drinks during the period of fasting. Medicines for the heart and blood pressure should also be withheld for 8 hours. If the person has diabetes, he can have his diabetic medicines. It is also advised not to smoke or take alcohol for a period of 24 hours before the test. Morning walk or any strenuous physical exercise should be avoided on the morning of the test. Water or a glass of plain milk can be taken if required.

3D-CCG is totally non-invasive. There is no injection, no catheterization, no anesthesia, no hospitalization and no radiation. Since it is non invasive there is no pain, no risk and no after-effects including no physical or mental strain. It is useful in early detection of Heart disease; even a small blood flow reduction caused by even blockages as low as 20% can be detected. It also assesses the functional status of heart and helps in selecting the correct drug for preventing heart attack and controlling hypertension. It can be repeated several times unlike invasive methods and hence can be used for assessment. It also serves as a motivating factor to undertake lifestyle and diet changes and thereby prevent heart attacks.

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